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Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (PIJP) is published by the Philippine National Philosophical Research Society (PNPRS). It is published every January and June of each year.
Φιλοσοφια (Philosophia means “Love of Wisdom”) is an international journal for scholarly articles that present diverse philosophical perspectives and is open to different philosophical points of view. It accepts papers on all branches of philosophy and philosophical discourses and arguments that are rationally and logically presented. Submissions must be thesis-oriented, discursive, and supported by well-reasoned analysis of authors. While expository writings on the thoughts of specific philosophers are welcome, they must explicitly demonstrate the relevance and significance of the exposition, with clear value and implications of the philosophical insights presented.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and for providing complete references. An abstract of not more than two hundred words, summarizing the thesis or intent of the article, should be appended along with the brief curriculum vitae of the author. For multiple submissions, only one paper will be published every year. The medium of expression of the journal is English—American or British. Only the letters of the British-American alphabet, including the Spanish-Filipino will be accepted in the document text.
Authors of published articles are enjoined to become members of the Philippine National Philosophical Research Society (PNPRS) during the year their articles appear in the journal.
Philosophia is published online (open access).
Philosophia is abstracted in ISI Web of Knowledge (Clarivate Analytics, formerly part of Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier), and The Philosopher’s Index. It is included in the ASEAN Citation Index Database, and EBSCO Database. It is listed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and in International Directory of Philosophy. The Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) certified the journal as Category A-1 in 2012 and also awarded it with the Journal Incentive Program (JIP) Journal Challenge Grant in 2017.

Philosophia June 2021 Cover

January 2022_23.1_Cover

Philosophia_Vol 24 No.1_January 2023

Philosophia June 2021 Cover
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