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Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must be sent to the Editor of Philosophia through this link:
Manuscripts are double-blind refereed. References and bibliography should utilize standard parenthetical references (PR) and reference lists (RL). This may be done in accordance with the specifications given in the seventh edition of Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers. Those submissions not in accord with this documentation convention may be returned to the authors for revisions prior to being sent to the reviewers. The editor, associate editor, and book review editor reserve the right to make editorial modifications.
Many papers submitted to Philosophia are written in different documentation conventions like the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), American Medical Association (AMA), and the like. Philosophia uses the Turabian convention with slight revisions made by the former editor, Dr. Rolando M. Gripaldo. Authors must write their papers using this convention for the purpose of publication in Philosophia.
Click here to access the document.

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